Policing Support Services

Please update your information through the Membership Application Form and email it to cupeoffice@cupe402.com.

Stay tuned to this page as we will be posting specific information here!

Next Pop-up office dates at the detachment:
November 6  cancelled as CoS and SPS have booked pop-up dates which we will also attend:

Nov 1  9:00-11:00 [B Watch]
Nov 4  10:00-12:00 [C Watch]
Nov 5  9:00-11:00 [D Watch]
Nov 7  9:00 -11:00  [A Watch]

Union reps for policing transition:
Kim Jackson

Aman Cheema

Monika Dean

Rick Tanaka


*Please check the HUB for most updated FAQ responses from the City and SPS
Note information is changing very rapidly as we get closer to November 29*

Will I retain my seniority from the City?
Yes! Think of it as the number of years you have with the union – as the union stays the same, this will remain consistent.

Will we still have access to the Employee Wellness Pass?

When will bargaining start?
Once the transition is at least substantially completed, the policing bargaining unit will need to elect representatives to the bargaining committee. After campaigning and elections, this committee will work on completing and distributing bargaining surveys, compiling results, drafting bargaining proposals, and communication to the rest of the unit. We will make sure to announce when nominations will be accepted for these positions. As this is a fluid process, we would anticipate having the bargaining committee installed for Spring of 2025.

But won’t our contract be expired?
Yes, and that is typical! Any time between the expiration of our current Collective Agreement and a ratification of a new contract will be treated as an extension of our current contract and will be subject to retroactive pay.

Will we have a separate executive board?
We are creating and training a Policing Working Committee to be local internal experts to help make sure information is flowing both ways throughout this process and beyond and meet and resolve issues. Please email cupeoffice@cupe402.com if you are interested in participating.